Tuesday, 30 November 2010


Film Audience Profile Questionnaire

Click here to take survey

Audience profile questionnaire

What gender are you? (circle)

  • Male
  • Female
What age are you? (circle)

  • 15 or below
  • 16-18
  • 18-21
  • 21 plus

How often do you watch Films? (circle)

  • Never
  • Rarely
  • Sometimes
  • Often
  • Always

What genres (types) of film do you like? (circle)

  • Action
  • Horror 
  • Gangster/ Crime
  • Comedy 
  • Romance
  • Western 
  • War
  • Sci-Fi
  • Dance/Musicals
  • Adventure
  • Drama 
  • Epics/ Historical
Why do you like these genres (types)? (explain)

What captivates you when watching a film? (explain)

Have you ever seen a film directed by Quentin Tarantino (director of films such as Pulp fiction or Reservoir Dogs? (circle)
  • Yes
  • No
  • Not sure
On a scale from 1 to 10 (10 being highest) how would you rate these films? (circle)
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
Do you have a favourite actor/actress or director? (circle)
  • Yes 
  • No 
Can you specify them?

Monday, 29 November 2010

genre and convention research


Idea/Treatment Pitch - Group 1

SWOT analysis of Treatment

We found that strengths of our treatment were that it was a fairly original idea, we had quite good research, we had an achievable idea and also we knew the conventions. We thought that these were strengths of our treatments because if we did not know the conventions and research other films to gain knowledge we would not know how to portray our ideas in the correct way, also by having an achievable idea it meant that we will not be over our heads and be able to produce this.

we found that a weakness was our location as we originally planned to set it in America but obviously we could not do this, so we decided to alter this and change it to set it in England.

we found that we had a really good chance to challenge the conventions of the genre and that because we had a new idea we could develop it further.

WE thought that a threat was that we may not be able to create a film sequence that looked professional enough to represent the genre, and that it may have the risk of going over the top and destroying the effect we were trying to create for English Gangster Movies.

Friday, 26 November 2010

Coursework Treatment Assessment

What Worked Well?
in our treatment when we analysed it we found that the aspects of the conventions we were challenging work well, as we were using a female gang trying to take control over the male gangs, it created a whole new side to the genre of film. Also we found the settings we chose to shoot in were a good choice as they were local and easy to access. we also fond that following some conventions was a good idea as we were using, the black background with white text, a successful recognisable aspect of gangster movies of which many have used before.

How To Improve
to improve our treatment we need to select the correct type of actors to create the atmosphere we need to create and also inside our group we need to delegate jobs to utilise the skills of our members, e.g. Editors, camera people and Directors.

What will I do next?
For the next step in our project I feel that I need to research more English gangster opening sequences that have more of a relevance to the type that we will produce, after this step i think that we need to draw up a story board and start filming.

Monday, 15 November 2010

Peer Assessment

My idea.
My idea was to start off with action, We would have the main character (The Head Female gangster) extorting a shop owner to pay her protection money to expand her 'racket' (business), as this is a stereotypical 'job' of which male gangsters carry out,  this would help the audience recognise what the character is like, how she acts and her aims.

What worked well?
My group feel that I had a good story line and that it would be an effective opening, and that it would be informative and easy for the audience to see what genre the film was. They also felt that it would be a good opening because as it starts off with action the audience will be hoked and want to know more about the characters.

How could it be better?
My group felt that to improve my idea I needed to include more in depth descriptions of the characters (e.g. name and appearance as I did not think of that) further more they thought that it would be a good idea for me to include diegetic or non-diegetic sound to help set the scene, for the diegetic sound they suggested some dialect or the sound of things braking, for the non-diegetic sound they suggested slow ,classical, operatic, religious(Catholic) music,because this type of music is from stereotypical gangster come from (Italy).

Monday, 8 November 2010

How is gender represented in the Dalziel & Pascoe episode 'a clubbable woman'?

Through out the episode 'a clubbable woman' gender is represented in various ways producing different effects.  This crime drama from 1996 would represent gender different than a piece of footage today as it is older and people have changed over the years.

The first way gender is represented is through costume (mise-en-scene), in this episode most of the men are sporting shirts and trousers (as many worked in offices at this time) where as the women are wearing dresses/skirts, hats and bags, this is showing gender as the trousers and shirt is masculine as it looks like work/business clothes and the skirt is feminine so the men feel attracted to them after a long day at work, also the Head of police regularly wears a double breasted coat when others are wearing normal jackets, this connotes power as he stands out and looks more regal/higher class, by a man wearing this coat and a woman not it shows the stereotypical feeling that men are generally more powerful than women.

Also characters are used to show gender (mise-en-scene). For example there is a scene at the pub where there is a large group of men surrounding a woman who is considered to be one of the most attractive there, this connotes gender as men are attracted to good looking women and instantly flirt with them. Another example of the use of character to show gender is when the woman walks into the police station, this is a counter hegemonic as at this time the police force and the criminals was mainly occupied by men (except secretary work)  so by seeing the woman at the police station it connoted that she shouldn't be there as she seemed out of place.

Dialect (sound) was also a good way to show gender in this piece, a good example of this is that the women did not use offensive language a quarter as much as the men did an example of the language that the men used words such as bastard etc. This therefore connotes gender as women are always perceived as the nicer less rude gender. So by giving the males more offensive language to use it accentuates this point of view and therefore helps the viewer define gender just through the dialect of the characters.

Gender is also showed through camera shots and angles (camera). When a woman was in the frame (from close up to mid shot) the angle of the shot was high, but when a male was in shot it was low angle to connote power over the woman, which in the times when this footage was made men were the dominant sex and seen as stronger etc. So by placing the shot angles differently it connotes gender and helps the viewer refine gender and their social status through this.

Editing was not an effective way of  showing gender in the footage. This there fore makes it inappropriate for me to utilise my analysis skills to form a constructive paragraph on the topic.

In conclusion the most effective way of showing gender within this footage is through mise-en-scene, this is because it gives visual aids to the viewer to actually determine gender of characters etc. The worst area of analysis would be editing as this gave no indication of gender throughout the piece.

Blog update: Prelim Task

A) My role in the editing process was connecting the camera to the mac, cropping the footage to cut out unwanted things such as people, typing the words on the slides for the credits etc and adding transitions to make the change between shots smooth, also I helped give ides and tips to the other members of the group.

B) We met the brief by having match on action (door handle pushed/feet walking through door), 180 degree rule (staying to one half of the axis of action), we edited these different things by cutting the action and placing a corresponding piece of footage to continue the sequence for match on action, for 180 degree rule we found the axis of action and just stayed on this and did not cross it.

C) In our group I feel that the actors worked well, and as a group we worked well from the planning all the way to the editing process. To improve this I feel that we could have took more shots for each scene especially match on action, and also chose a different setting where there was no noise pollution by other groups performing their sequence.

prelim group 1

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

preliminary filming task

For our preliminary task we set our piece in a living room, so we thought of all the rooms in the school that could represent a living room and we thought of the sixth form common room. This is a good choice as it has soft chairs, a TV and small coffee tables, like a stereo typical living room.

we filmed the 180 degree rule by sticking to one half of the scene we set up so we did not go past the axis of action. we filmed the match on action by recording the door handle getting pushed down, feet walking then the actress in the room next to the other character.

we had to adapt our original plans as we did not have a living room to shoot in, also we added some extra scene into the piece that we didn't originally 

Target 2- November

taking my first target into context, i feel that i have improved my detailed explanation aspect of that, so now i feel that my second target would be to improve the examples which i use to back up my points.

Target 1- September

My target is to use more specific examples and detailed explanations linked to the question when analysing the piece.

Monday, 1 November 2010

Prelim task

What will the prelim entail?
Film a 30 second piece of footage which will demonstrate the shot/reverse shot, 180 degree and match on action rules.

What the two rules you must demonstrate mean.
180 degree rule- the camera can move in a half circle along the axis of action to show the characters/ centre of attention, to show them facing different directions
Match on action- cutting a piece of action footage and then placing the next shot after it to continue the sequence, e.g. door handle going down, cut, person is in room

A summary of your initial idea.
Our idea is of a young religious woman returning from university and confessing to her ultra religious mother that she is pregnant.

script for prelinminary


Mum Sits Down In The Front Room.
Front Door opens and the Daughter Storms In.

MUM: Stands Up. What Are you doing here!? You are supposed to be at university studying over the half term!

DAUGHTER:  Sits Down On Opposite Chair. And hello to you to.

MUM: Yes, sorry, hello. But why are you back? is there something wrong? you haven't been kicked out     hav...

DAUGHTER: Mum! no its none of that.

MUM: sits down. Thank Jesus in heaven.

DAUGHTER: Mum i need to talk to you, i really do need to say something, i don't know quite how to put it and um, i don't want you to be dissapointed with me and dad, oh my lord dad, please let him forgive me.

MUM: Your waffeling, what is it babe, i'm sure we can sort it out, please tell me.


MUM: What!? How in Gods name did you manage that, you cant of had sex, no sex before marriage, you've been told that from a young age, we brought you up to think that, oh where did i go wrong, i can't believe th...

DAUGHTER: MUM! what do i do?!

MUM: We can sort this, fix it all, how far along are you?

DAUGHTER: Stands up and opens coat.  11 months...

MUM: WHAT!? Faints.

DAUGHTER: No wait. laughs. 9 months!